Sunday, January 1, 2012

What To Feed Young Bunnies

There is a wide range of foods that you can feed an older bunny, however a younger bunny needs more care and certain types of foods because of its delicate digestive system. A young bunny's diet should consists of pellets, Timothy hay and cold water. A young bunny should have a good supply of pellets because it is very healthy for them. Typically you only have to feed your bunny about 1/8 of a cup, to get the right amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Young bunnies also require fresh grass hays such as Timothy, Oat, Coastal, Brome, Bahia or Wheat because they provide a high-fiber diet. Lastly you need to remember that your bunny needs fresh water either from a bowl placed in its cage or from an attached water bottle, to keep it in good shape. Making sure all these items are provided will ensure that your young bunny's digestive system has the right balance of fiber, nutrients, vitamins and water.

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