Sunday, January 8, 2012

Now That You’ve Bought A Bunny From Bunnies In A Basket, What Should You Feed It?

If you have purchased an adorable bunny from us then you will need to follow
this simple bunny plan in order to keep your bunny happy and healthy.

With each bunny we sell, we will include a weeks supply of feed that the bunny is accustomed to eating. You must keep your new bunny eating the feed we give you for at least a week or two, after which time you can start mixing in your own bunny feed. PLEASE REMEMBER YOU CAN NOT SWITCH THE BUNNIES FEED OVER NIGHT! Start the process of weaning your bunny off of our feed and onto your feed over a period of at least 7-10 days. SUDDEN CHANGES IN A BUNNIES’ DIET CAN CAUSE THEM TO BECOME ILL, OR EVEN DIE! Even adult bunnies’ diets should not be changed suddenly because bunnies have sensitive digestive systems!

Here at Bunnies In A Basket, we suggest that you utilize the following procedure for gradually weaning your bunny off of our feed and onto yours.

First Day: Give your bunny a small portion of its normal feed with lots of hay (Timothy Hay) and fresh water

Second Day: Give your bunny 90% of our feed and 10% your feed

Third Day: Give your bunny 80% of our feed and 20% of your feed.

Keep this procedure going until your bunny is eating only the feed that you want it to eat. If you notice that during this process, your bunny looks to be in pain, appears to be constipated or has diarrhea, immediately remove all dried food from its’ diet! Start to feed your bunny only Hay and Water for a few days. When the symptoms have cleared up begin the process of weaning all over again. Try not to give your bunny vegetables like carrots and parsley until they are about 10-12 weeks old. Follow the above bunny plan and you should have a happy and healthy bunny to love and cherish for a long time to come.

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