Friday, September 24, 2010

How To Tell If Your Bunny Is Sick Or Needs Medical Attention

Rabbits can be wonderful, loving pets and having a rabbit can be a joy for children and adults. When your rabbit seems to be acting strangely, you need to be able to tell if it is ill. In all the cases below please take your rabbit to the veterinarian, it may save your bunnies life!!!
  • Your rabbit appears to lean its head to one side or has a loss of balance- This could be an indication of an inner ear infection, or could be a sign of E. Cuniculi. Symptoms of E. Cuniculi can occur in your rabbit very quickly but with early treatment from your vet this condition can be cured. 
  • Unusual bumps or lumps on your rabbits body- This could be an indicator of a tumor and should be checked out by your vet as soon as possible. 
  • Your rabbit is not eating normally or is lethargic- Monitor your rabbits eating habbits to determine normal patterns of behavior from something that could be more serious. Rabbits needs to eat consistantly to maintain their health, so skipping several meals or a sudden slow down in activity could be an indicator that your rabbit is sick.  
  • Problems breathing, sneezing fits and or a runny nose or eyes- These symptoms could mean that your rabbit  may have a respiratory problem or a problem with their tear ducts
  • Grinding Teeth- A rabbit grinding its teeth loudly could be a sign that your bunny is in pain this could be from the rabbits teeth being misaligned, which your vet can help correct.
  • Your rabbits bowel movements- Check your rabbits stools daily so you can be familiar with what is normal. If your rabbit has dry stools your bunny may be dehydrated and need water immediately. If your rabbits stools are soft and watery, this could be an indication of a virus. 
Please check out our website  for people who love healthy adorable flop eared bunnies in the Columbus Ohio area.

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