Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Trip To The Doctor's

Not long ago we had a bunny whose tooth was overgrown and extended into its' nose. We had to take him to the bunny doctor. At the bunny doctor's, they cut our bunny's tooth down to a normal size. I was worried for him because I didn't want him to feel any pain. After he came out, he seemed fine and his tooth was not in his nose anymore. The next day however, he acted kind of weird because he drank from his water bottle like his tooth was in the way; from the side of his mouth. Fortunately I found out what the problem was, the water bottle was tilted so I fixed it and everything was ok! You should buy a bunny because they are cute, huggable pets, that live for a long time. I love our family bunny and hopefully you will love yours too!

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Movie 'Hop' Is Coming!!!

     Recently I was at the movies, and I saw a trailer for a movie called hop. Ok so it is probably obvious, that since I write for a bunny site and the movie is called 'Hop', what this movie is about! But wait till I tell you about this movie, you will love it. 

    'Hop' is a movie about a bunny named E.B who likes rock 'n' roll, as do I. E.B leaves home for Hollywood, so he can fulfill his dream of becoming a rock 'n' roll bunny. His dad is The Easter Bunny, so when E.B gets to be a certain age he is supposed  to be the new Easter Bunny (E.B). This movie is really cool in how it effortlessly blends live animation with real people.

   In my opinion I think this movie will rock, and I think E.B's name at the end of the movie should be R.B for rock 'n' roll bunny! So now it's time to wrap things up, but don't forget to check out our website at so you can get a R.B like sure to check out the trailer. HOP trailer